The Alliance

The Inclusive Energy Transition Alliance is promoted by Fundación Repsol and Fundación Santa María la Real, through their Employment and Social Inclusion Area. It is the first multi-agent network that is committed to the energy transition as an opportunity to develop solutions to the employment and social situations of vulnerable groups. It becomes a social opportunity for economic development and job creation. It seeks to improve the socio-economic environments and the fight against social exclusion through the generation of initiatives and opportunities for the employability and inclusion of vulnerable groups. It maintains a social focus as a value proposal to face the training and renovation of professionals within the context of the energy transition.
Foto de un grupo de personas con las manos unidas

The Alliance is a dynamic community made up of social entities and companies that contribute to an innovative and inclusive social impact.

An important network of allies and key agents that put their resources together to reach some common objectives, improving the  guidelines for action and creating important synergies. It also allows for the generation of shared knowledge to reach medium and long term solutions and face the new challenges of the energy transition.

Would you like more information about the Alliance?

Contact us via e-mail and we will provide you with all of the details regarding the Alliance, the joining process and all of the benefits of becoming a member.

Employability Programme

The Alliance will develop job and training programmes to foster the employability of vulnerable groups in those sectors that will generate more professional opportunities thanks to the Energy Transition.

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Member entities

Alliance members will have the following benefits:

  • Membership of an alliance of entities and key agents in the inclusive energy transition.

  • Collaboration in the generation of shared knowledge regarding the needs and opportunities arising in different sectors towards the inclusive energy transition of vulnerable groups.

  • Access to the results of the development of experimental employability programmes.

  • Generation of synergies and interaction with other member agents and entities.